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Inquiry Form

Ask us any questions or inquiries you might have

Placement Test (Optional)

If You Don't Know Your Level, Take Our Placement Test So We Could Assign You To The Right Level

First Trial Lesson

Attend A Trial Class Of Your Choice  That Best Suits Your Schedule And Timing

Sign Up

If You Enjoy Your First Lesson, You Can Sign Up For A Full Term ( Private Classes Are Also Available)

Become Fluent In Arabic

You'll Be Able To Communicate Like A Native In No Time


1. Fill Our Inquiry Form

Make sure to fill our inquiry form by clicking the button below. As soon as we receive it we will schedule the trial.
Any questions or concerns you might have, we can address them in the inquiry form.

2. Take Our Placement Test (optional)
Our placement test will fully gauge your knowledge of the Arabic language by testing your understanding of the grammar and syntax, by testing your listening comprehension through our audio exercises, and we test your speaking skills by asking you a few open ended questions.
Once you're done with the test, we'll able to assign you to the right level.

3. Get Your Free Trial Lesson
Once we have assessed your level, we will schedule the trial class for you. 

4. Sign Up For Group Classes Or Private Lessons

After you're done with your first free lesson, you can sign up for:

    1- Group classes, regular or intensive. You'll get 2 or 4 weekly group classes (+ 1 private class per week if you opt-in for the upgraded     package) and     the chance to join our weekly debates to put your newly learned Arabic skills to the test. 

    2- Private lessons are customized to cater to your requirements, objectives, and preferred method of learning. You'll be able to     concentrate on the things that are most important to you.
    In-person instruction provides more individualized attention, which can accelerate learning and result in skill acquisition faster. In     addition, of course to the freedom in scheduling the hours.
    Do not forget that your instructor provides you with specific advice and feedback in order to concentrate on the areas that need     improvement the most. Private lessons are customized to cater to your requirements, objectives, and preferred method of learning. You'll     be able to concentrate on the things that are most important to you.

5. Become Fluent In Arabic

No matter what your Arabic learning objectives are, our teachers will make sure that you achieve them.  You'll have a whole new world opened up to you as you'll be able to speak, listen and write in Arabic as quickly as possible. Our varied courses and their topics will also make sure that you're able to tackle any subject that might come up in your daily life.